כשהילדה שלי, בת ה-9 שמעה את החלטת בג”צ לגרש אותנו ממגרון, בלי קשר לצדק, פרצה בבכי כואב, ואמרה שהיא חייבת ללמד את ראש הממשלה תורה שה’ הבטיח לאברהם את הארץ עד עולם, והתיישבה מיד לכתוב לו מיוזמתה! יונת
When my 9 Yr. old daughter heard the Supreme Court’s decision to expel us from Migron, regardless of justice, she burst into painful tears, and said she had to teach the Prime Minister Torah that God promised Abraham the land for ever, and then she immediately set down and wrote to him by her own initiative. Yonat
The letter reads:
To Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
I have one little question and I hope it will be easy for you to answer me:
Why do you want to evacuate Migron?
And I have small proof ad it is: G-d promised to our Forefathers: “Unto thy seed will I give this land.” And I write to you this the moment I heard the sad, difficult and bitter news. It was difficult for me to hear and accept it.