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קרבן פסח בהר הבית, האמנם הזוי??
האמינו או לא, ניתן להירשם טלפונית 02-9410100 ל…הקרבת קרבן פסח בהר הבית, ואין מדובר במהלך הזוי. פרטים:
א. לפי ההלכה, אי-הקרבת קרבן פסח נחשבת איסור כרת (איסור חמור ביותר). למשל – הרמב"ם, בספרו "משנה תורה": http://mechon-mamre.org/i/9101.htm
ב. באופן מפתיע, המהלך קיבל המלצה מהרב קנייבסקי — חשובי הרבנים החרדיים – חתנו של הרב אלישיב, מחותן של הרב שטיינמן, בנו של "הסטייפלר". אחיינו של החזון איש ומקורב בשעתו לרב שך:
http://www.kikarhashabat.co.il/%D7%A7%D7%95%D7%A8%D7%91%D7%9F-%D7%A4%D7%A1%D7%97.html http://lamikdash.blogspot.com/2011/04/blog-post_04.html
ג. המלצת רב העיר קריית מוצקין: http://lamikdash.blogspot.com/2011/04/blog-post_05.html
שיעור בנושא (וידאו ארוך) של רב העיר צפת: http://a23.video2.blip.tv/10830008132765/Harav-v580817.m4v?brs=268&bri=12.6
מאמר מפורט מטעם מכון המקדש: http://www.temple.org.il/show.asp?id=32406
ד. המהלך באחריות הרב יהודה גליק, פעיל הר הבית עתיר נסיון. המהלך לזכרו של פעיל הר הבית הרב יצחק איימס הי"ד, שנרצח בפיגוע בית חגי, הנה וידאו לזכרו: http://lamikdash.blogspot.com/2010/09/blog-post.html
American Jewish Leader should know better?
Mattot Arim recommends the following US4Israel alert. Mr. Foxman, director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is an American Jewish leader who should know better. You may wish to forward this alert to friends or relatives in the United States, particularly if you think they may donate to the ADL!
From: US 4Israel Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 10:17 PM
Pressurizing statement by ADL Nat'l Director Abe Foxman Could Cause Trouble for Israel
Foxman's public pressure on Israel: ADL National Director Abraham Foxman publicly asserted, this week, that it would "help make the case for Israel" if the Netanyahu government decides to present a "diplomatic initiative". Mr. Foxman assured his interviewer that "ninety percent" of American Jews would want the prime minister to "take some kind of initiative”. Israel has to enter into a diplomatic initiative "for Israel’s sake”, Mr. Foxman insisted.
This statement appears to be an ill-advised attempt of Mr. Foxman to apply public pressure to the Prime Minister of the State of Israel ("would help make the case for Israel", “ninety percent of American Jews would want", "Israel has to do it", etc.) The statement was made by Mr. Foxman at a time in which there is no lack of powerful world figures pressuring Mr. Netanyahu already.
Can cause violence, lawfare, incitement: The pressurizing recommendation made by Mr. Foxman could be particularly serious because, international mindset being what it is, each time an Israeli prime-minister offers a "diplomatic initiative", he is expected to announce a package of territorial and other concessions toward Palestinians. Many concessions made by Israeli prime ministers to the Palestinians in the course of "diplomatic initiatives" have in the past led to violence, bloodshed, lawfare, international media incitement and other extremely troublesome outcomes for Israel. For example, Prime Minister Sharon's Gaza disengagement plan vastly increased the ability of Palestinians to lob rockets at large cities in Southern Israel, such as Beer-Sheva, Ashkelon and Ashdod; as well as generating the still-ongoing Gilad Shalit fiasco and serving as backdrop for massive international de-legitimization of Israel, including both the Goldstone Report, which harshly criticized Israel's attempts to protect itself against Gaza, and the Gaza flotilla affair.
Just today, Israel's Minister for Strategic Affairs and former Chief-of-Staff, Minister Bogy Yaelon, stated that he is firmly opposed to concessions. (In Hebrew: http://www.ynet.co.il/home/0,7340,L-1924,00.html). Mr. Foxman's pressurizing statement seems to undermine the well-informed warning of the Government of Israel's most senior strategy expert.
Dangerous? Can turn to Mr. Foxman: If you are concerned about Mr. Foxman's pressurizing recommendation, and feel that such statements, coming from Israel's disapora, may elbow Israel's prime-minister toward concessions which are dangerous for his country, please feel free to forward this email to Mr. Foxman: afoxman@adl.org, and ask him whether he would be willing to consider withdrawing the pressurizing recommendation he has delivered publicly to the Government of Israel. If your email to Mr. Foxman is blocked or returned, use the ADL contact page http://support.adl.org/site/PageServer?pagename=contact_us and stress: for the personal attention of Mr. A. Foxman.
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