Author Archives: Gidon Ariel

Palestinian State: Another Ploy. By David Meir-Levi, pursuant to embarrassing Lauder ad promoting Palestinian state

From: David Meir-Levi
Date: Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 6:28 PM
Subject: Should there be a Palestinian State?

On September  20, 2011, Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas requested UN approval of statehood for “Palestine.”Obama and our Congress opposed this move and urged Abbas against it, for five reasons.

The PA cannot yet demonstrate all of the four characteristics required for statehood by international law. A sovereign state is a political entity with a defined territory, a permanent population, a functioning government with the ability to exercise sovereignty over that territory (i.e., to command habitual obedience from that population by means of that state’s monopoly on the use of force), and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states. [ [i]]

The PA fails on two counts. It currently cannot command habitual obedience of its population because it is in a state of civil war with Hamas [ [ii]] and because there are at least a dozen different armed terrorist organizations operating independently within the Palestinian Authority. Without a monopoly on the use of force, no government can exercise control over its population. Without one unchallenged head of state and a unified state government, the PA cannot guarantee its enforcement of treaties with other states. Hamas maintains control of the Gaza Strip, fields its own terrorist army, some 13,000 strong, is independent of the PA, and has refused to cooperate with Abbas on issues related to Israel. The much vaunted “accord” of May 20, 2011, to end the civil war, has faltered and none of the actions agreed upon for a “national unity government” has been carried out.[ [iii]]

The second problem is that a unilateral UN recognition of a Palestinian state contradicts three UN resolutions and the Oslo Accords.

UN General Assembly resolution 181 (29 November 1947) required that both the Jewish and Arab states settle all international disputes by negotiations (section 10:b), refrain from threat or use of force against another state (section 10:c), and guarantee all persons equal and non-discriminatory rights in civil, political, economic and religious matters (section 10:d).

UN Security Council resolution 242 (22 November 1967) demanded that all sides in the conflict agree to a “termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for, and acknowledgement of, the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area, and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries freed from threats or acts of force.”

UN Security Council resolution 338 (22 October 1973) required all parties to abide by UN Resolution #242 and enter into negotiations to establish a just and durable peace.

Article V, par. 2 & 4, of the Oslo Accords (13 September 1993) call for negotiated agreements as the path to the solution to problems relating to refugees, settlements, security, borders, and holy sites. President Abbas, Arafat, and related terror groups, all have unceasingly declared their intention to destroy Israel no matter how long it takes. It is illogical to assume that this passionate Arab commitment to Israel’s destruction will suddenly evaporate with the UN’s recognition of “Palestine.”

Moreover, over the past two years Abbas has categorically refused to resume negotiations. Over the past 75 years various Arab leaders have rejected at least 31 opportunities for a two-state solution via a negotiated peace. Most recently Sa’eb Erekat has admitted that the PA has rejected Israeli offers, including a proposal by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to restart peace negotiations on the basis of Palestinian border demands.

Finally, the state that Hamas envisions, as its leaders have unabashedly promised, is based upon Shari’a law. Shari’a law requires that non-Muslims under Muslim sovereignty be dhimmi: non-citizens without equal rights. Such a status is in violation of resolution 181:10c.

The key concepts in all of the above are recognition, negotiations, peace, and basic human rights. All of these are an anathema to Hamas and the other terror organizations that constitute the PA. Thus a unilateral UN recognition of the PA as a state would be a violation not only of the resolutions listed above, but also of the very cornerstones of the UN’s noble purpose.

And that brings us to the third problem which lies within the core concepts of the UN itself. The UN was founded with the goal to settle international disputes via peaceful means. However, as noted above, the leadership of the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, and kindred terrorist organizations, have been vociferous about their intentions to maintain a terror war against Israel until such time as they, and allied Arab or other Muslim states, have the power to launch a full-scale war of annihilation .[[iv] ]

It is important to recall that the charters of both Hamas and the PLO demand unequivocally the destruction of the Jewish state, and the Hamas charter foresees the genocide of all Jews world-wide. Genocide, attempted genocide and incitement to genocide are all violations of international law and crimes against humanity, per the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, 9 December 1948. The deeds of these and a dozen other Arab terror groups over the past 60 years have validated their genocidal rhetoric and diatribe of annihilation. The August 18th attacks near Eilat are the most recent manifestation of this psychotic hatred.

Even if, as the newest member of the UN family of nations, “Palestine” wanted peace, it is not likely that it could make peace, given the pressures it would face from Hamas, Hezbollah, even more extreme terror groups,[ [v]] and Arab confrontation states. It is far more likely that with the status of statehood, the PA and other pro-Palestinian groups could ratchet their political and PR campaigns and “lawfare” to new levels of intensity in the courts of various nations and even at the International Court of Justice. To enable these terrorist powers to gain the political status that will enhance their ability to achieve their genocidal goals is an astonishing abrogation of the UN’s basic purpose. Granting the PA the status of statehood and UN membership is likely to result in the UN’s complicity in genocide, or at least attempted genocide.[[vi]]

The fourth problem is quite practical. Without direct negotiations, highly contested issues like Jerusalem, borders and water rights will remain in legal limbo with no resolution, as will the status of refugees and the so-called Arab “right of return.” Resolution 242 requires a “just” solution to the “refugee problem.” A solution can be “just” only if it is accepted by the competing parties, not imposed on them.

The fifth problem is the economy. A flourishing economy is not a requirement for statehood; but the PA economy is an important indicator of preparedness. As a result of some recent economic improvements in the PA, the IMF decided that “…the PA is now able to conduct the sound economic policies expected of a future well-functioning Palestinian state;” and the UN concluded that the PA’s financial management is “…now sufficient for a functioning government of state.”

But reality is not quite so rosy. This growth is largely the result of donor funds. Somewhere between one-third and one-half of the PA budget comes from external aid (more than $1 billion) from the US, the EU and Arab states. In recent years Arab states have become less generous, giving $462 million in 2009, $287 million in 2010, and so far in 2011 $78 million. In recent months some of the Arab pledges have failed to materialize. This drop in foreign aid has created a huge deficit in PA finances.

Moreover, unemployment is rising. An UNRWA report of June 2011showed that unemployment among Palestinians in the West Bank and east Jerusalem rose from 21.7% to 25% during the last year. Unemployment in the Gaza Strip is 37.4%, the highest in the world. Paradoxically, Israeli settlements are major employers of Palestinian labor. About 80,000 Palestinians, 25% of the entire Palestinian payroll, work in the Israeli economy. The PA also depends on Israel to collect and remit tax revenues of about $1.5billion per year. If Israel were to economic cooperation, the PA could not pay its bills.

A large part of these financial problems arises from the cronyism and corruption that characterize PA governance. Reports of corruption and plundering of PA coffers under Arafat and Abbas have pervaded the Israeli media for years. During his tenure as “rais,” Arafat skimmed $2 million a month from the gasoline trade in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. At the time of his death some $1billion in funds donated to the PA went missing from his accounts. Billions of dollars that are meant for humanitarian purposes have been siphoned off into private accounts and into the maintenance of terrorist organizations.

The PA’s economy is in such shambles that even a Palestinian economist, Nasr Abdul Karim, criticized the PA for failing to better manage its finances. He warned that its financial mess might weaken its plea for statehood.


It seems clear that the Palestinian Authority’s request for UN recognition is merely another ploy in the decades-old multi-faceted PR and political war against Israel. As George Jonas notes: “Those who complain that such a declaration undermines the peace process …don’t understand that that is the declaration’s purpose.”

If the Palestinian leadership wanted to co-exist peacefully with Israel, it could do so by reversing the Arab commitment to “no recognition, no negotiations, no peace.” But Palestinian leadership does not want their state alongside of Israel. They want it instead of Israel. Their UN gambit is another ploy to galvanize world opinion and increase political pressure on Israel. The UN’s complicity will only aid and abet those who seek Israel’s destruction.


[i] These characteristics were enumerated at the Montevideo Convention of 1933. For a useful summary see For more detailed discussion see: Shaw, Malcolm Nathan (2003). International law, Cambridge University Press, p.178. “Article 1 of the Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States, 1933 lays down the most widely accepted formulation of the criteria of statehood in international law. It notes that the state as an international person should possess the following qualifications: ‘(a) a permanent population; (b) a defined territory; (c) government; and (d) capacity to enter into relations with other states’;” and Jasentuliyana, Nandasiri, ed (1995). Perspectives on international law, Kluwer Law International, p.20. “So far as States are concerned, the traditional definitions provided for in the Montevideo Convention remain generally accepted.”

[ii] Schanzer, Jonathan, Hamas vs. Fatah: The Struggle for Palestine, Palgrave, 2008)

[iii] Hanan Ashrawi demurs: “We fulfill all the requirements of statehood as stipulated under Article 4 of the UN Charter and the Montevideo Convention.” June 8, 2011, quoted in; but she offers no evidence to support her statement.

[iv] For the most recent exposition of this uncompromising extremism, see On August 16, 2011, the Gazan jihad group Jama’at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad issued a video titled “The Path of Honor versus the Path of Shame,” in which it attacks Fatah for its alliance with Israel, but reserves its fiercest opprobrium for Hamas, for not implementing Shari’a law in Gaza. The film’s authors confront members of Hamas’s military wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades, excoriating them for tolerating the cease-fire with Israel and the non-implementation of the Shari’a. Apparently Hamas is not extreme enough.

[v] Including Fatah, Hizb-ut-Tahrir, the PFLP, the DFLP, the PFLP-GC, Jama’at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad, Sayyif Allah, Jayyish al-Jihad, el-Qaeda in Sinai, el-Qaeda in the Maghreb, the Resistance Committees, Force 17, and Ansar al-Islam, just to name a few.

[vi] Even as Abbas urges the world to support his bid for PA statehood, the PA continues teaching its children to hate Jews and to make the destruction of Israel the ultimate goal of their lives. See, for example:;; and

This article appeared in

Arutz Sheva & other links – re embarrassing Lauder attempt to promote Palestinian state

American tycoon Ron Lauder places a pro-Palestinian advertisement lauding the Palestinian state notion
13 year old responds to Lauder (and others) – courtesy of Arutz Sheva – with talkbacks
Responses to Lauder from historian & from Lelia Cornell – courtesy of Arutz Sheva – with talkbacks
Detailed response to Lauder by Israeli public affairs expert David Bedein:
Lauder has just let it be known that he intends to plunge into Israeli media ventures:
Will Lauder use his powerful new media tools wisely?
Or will Lauder again flash before the public a glamorous showcase striving to legitimize Palestinian territorial demands from tiny Israel?
Time will tell.

Selected articles on the disastrous Palestinian State notion – responding to embarrassing Lauder ad on the subject

An Elephant in the Room that No-One Sees
by William Gerber, responding to Lauder’s promotion of the Palestinian state notion
The Palestinian Authority, currently in control of Areas A, B, and parts of C[which was designated Israeli contolled  by the internationally-accepted Oslo Accords, is the Fourth Reich.
Are you aware what their goals are, that there is no rule of law, that their police[army, American-trained] are involved in terror and are controlling pettylocal crime only.
No rule of law, no right and wrong, murder sanctioned and encouraged, conviction and death penalty for property sales to Jews, the murder and eviction of most Christians,  and enacting take-over of Israel-all ofwhich they consider ” settlements”, that it become Juden-rein.
Not everyone is bad, there are good people, i work with some of them, but the government, stealing foreign aid by the millions daily, is evil. Does not matter if PLO or Hamas, goals and methods are the same. Wording in English different, in Arabic, the same.
Dont”t be fooled. In fact the PLO interest is not in Judea and Samaria, it is in the whole of Israel. They even speak and act on this program, but it appears that almost no one wants to listen. there is an elephant in the room, and almost no one sees him- he is the elephant of hatred and destruction of the Jews.
Mr. Lauder, who has so much to advance higher education in Europe for young Jews, how have you too been fooled?

Did Arutz Sheva sell its soul?

By Edith Ognall, Netanya
A Palestinian State was legitimized by Prime Minister Netanyahu for what purpose, only he knows, or perhaps he doesn’t know.   When you have spent so much time crawling and grovelling to your enemies and so called friends, it probably becomes impossible to tell right from wrong.
A State for a made up people called Palestinians can only be seen by any responsible person, as a death warrant to Israelis and the Jewish State.   The nonsense talked by Netanyahu about such a state being demilitarized is just that, nonsense and dangerous nonsense at that.   Who would stop the PA from militarizing their state. Even now they have a well equipped American trained army, better known as ‘police’, numbering some 40,000 which managed to grow with Israel’s consent from 600.  We even have Netanyahu willing to negotiate a loan for our enemies which of course at the end of the day would be paid for by us, the people.  This is madness.   When and I don’t say if, they would attack us, who would come to our aid, who would not condemn us for retaliating.  
Our International Airport Ben Gurion would be in their sights so that nothing from the outside world would dare to take the chance of landing here.   We would be isolated in every sense of the word, with no options to protect ourselves, having given up all our strategic assets and living in what has been called the Aushwitz Borders.   It would be hello Palestine and goodbye Israel and the Jewish People, both here and in Chutz La’Aretz.   Whether Diaspora Jews want to believe it, is irrelevant, but without the State of Israel and what it was mean to stand for, they will be as nothing more than the Jew without a Home and maligned and humiliated by all and sundry.  
We still have options and we still have Leaders prepared to stand up for our rights and the justness of our cause.   We still have leaders who are not afraid to say that this is the Home of the Jewish People as given to us not only by the Balfour Declaration, the Peel Commission and the San Remo Conference but most importantly by the God of Israel who promised Eretz Yisrael to our Forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in perpetuity with no clause that would enable any part of it to be given up.   We have been fighting for our existence in this Land since before any ‘settlements’ were established, when the Arabs massacred unarmed men, women and children, in the most barbaric ways imaginable, in Hevron, 1929 and it has been going on since.   We have given up Land and forcibly removed Jews from their homes in order to try to satisfy a very hostile gentile world and our enemies at home.   Unfortunately every concession has been met with ridicule, humiliation and demands for more.  
Who can blame them when they see how easily we give up what we say is our Historic and Legal Land, when we hand over to our enemies the control of our Holy Sites where Jews are humiliated both by our own police/soldiers and the Wakf with whom they side.   A Jew is unable to move their lips because it upsets the Muslims, A Jew is not allowed to even look at a piece of paper in case in might contain a prayer because it upsets the Muslims, A Jew is treated like a leper in order to keep our enemies happy.  This is the behaviour of very insecure and frightened people..   If that is the way things are now, what will it be like when there is a ‘Palestinian’ state.   Does not bear thinking of.    We have to vote out Netanyahu and all his left wing government and instead vote for those who truly believe in God’s purpose for us in this Land, who truly believe in themselves and who truly believe in the Jewish People.   Am Yisrael Chai.
Mr. Lauder, How do I Begin to Explain?
by Chava Goldman,  Jerusalem
How do I begin to explain my opposition to the long-proposed Palestinian state on land far longer-acknowledged and -designated for Israel and the Jewish People?

First, if there is such a people as the Palestinians, I would have to ask, why does their state have to be exactly on land Israel sits on? Can it not be somewhere else? After all, it has been suggested that we Jews — who demonstrate our people-hood, have a specific land according to the record of world history, and have been persecuted for millennia precisely as a people — take up any of several lands, or parts of them: Uganda, Alaska, Madagascar…even Birobidzhan, a part of the former Soviet Union was offered as an autonomous region by none other than Josef Stalin! We refused all the offers because, in the end, none of these places were home. This place, where Israel currently sits, including much of its surrounding area, is.

For emphasis and example, I include a link to a page that summarizes the brief history of Birobidzhan, the only alternative Jewish state that was attempted, even before the State of Israel was declared. Since its subsequent destruction at the hands of the one who proposed it, I believe I speak for all of us Jews when I state that we would be disinclined, to say the least, to repeat the experience anywhere else.

The Arabs who call themselves Palestinians could say much the same, except that they have never attempted their state anywhere else. They would refuse all other offers because no other place provides them the opportunity to do what they want most: Rid the world of the Jewish nation.

You see, if they had their way it would not matter whether the claims Israel presents to the lands of Judea and Samaria — or any other part of Israel, for that matter — are valid or not. But apparently the Arabs know, in the back of their minds, that our claim is valid indeed, which explains their attempt to get in by the back door, through sneakiness, bribery and murder, through taqiyyah, hudna and other such Muslim concepts.

I refuse to discuss or respond to accusations that the Jews are trying to do away with the Arabs as well. All of these have proved to be nothing but libel, slander and so much dust in the wind. Our accusers have been effective in convincing the world of their “truth” because they use deceptive words and pictures to do so, they refuse to allow air time and print space for all but the most meaningless opposing commentary and opinion, and the holders of the microphones and cameras do not question them, even when irrefutable proof has been presented. As a result, organizations have formed to expose the lies flung at Israel every day. We got the message: If you can’t get air time or print space, make your own.

Throwing your wealth behind the losing team:  Quite a number of rich men and nations have given millions, even billions of dollars, goods and services to help the Arabs create the Palestinian state. So far,  because most of the donations are distributed among government favorites and not used for the people’s benefit, because of infighting and because they cannot sit down at a negotiating table with us for long, or even refrain from voicing and demonstrating blind Jew-hatred, these efforts have not succeeded. You can continue to pour good money after bad if you want, but if I had your funds, I would not continue to increase my stake in that direction. Should you decide to, my guess is that the Creator of the universe is leading you and your peers to pour the wealth He entrusted to you into the Falastin sewer just to show the inhabitants of our common globe how even the most terrifying weaponry, the media’s most persuasive speech, the largest protests in all the public squares of the whole world and the support of its most affluent men and governments cannot erase what He wants established in the world. Do you still want to throw your weight behind the losing team? I only ask that if a state is eventually carved out for the Palestinians in this world, that it be on proven Arab territory – their homeland. It might just work out better for you, as well as for the rest of us.
The Zionist that you claim to be: letter to Ron Lauder regarding his Palestinian State initiative
by Malka Hillel-Shulewitz
Dear Mr. Lauder, permit me to introduce myself as an immigrant from England to Israel.
One of my many motivations was the fact that my late grand-father,
Ya’akov Shlomo Hillel z”l brought 42 families from Yassi in Romania
to the Eastern Golan Heights in 1896.  At that time, the Ottomans
ruled (the area was “given” to Syria much later).  The area was
totally barren.  My grand-father had sold his prosperous leather
business and invested part of the money in agricultural equipment.
They expected to make the barren land blossom as his elder brother,
Naftoly Hillel, had done in what became Rishon L’Zion.  However,
they were not allowed to reach the land they had purchased legally
and had to travel a three-day journey to Rosh Pina (today, one hour)
through the equally barren Galil where they nearly perished from thirst
(no roads,no water and no Arabs.  Where did the Arabs now populating the
Lower Galil and, with Saudi money, now trying to buy the Upper Galil,
all come from?) 
My grand-father lost everything he had because of his love for the
Land of Israel.  He eventually settled in London, where he could have
gone in the first place with the money he had.  I was born in London
two generations later and had the privilege of being the first Hillel
to return to the Land of Israel.
Just as the Galil was barren, so was the so-called West Bank, or
Judea and Samaria as it is known in the Bible and the term used by
the British.  In 19 years of illegal Jordanian rule between 1948 and 1967,
no effort was made by the Palestinians to declare a state, neither was
there any publicity from pro-Palestinians, as you have apparently become.
On the contrary, there was a large emigration from the area to the East
Bank (Jordan) and beyond.  I spoke to a man who had a pharmaceutical
factory in Nablus in 1968, and he virtually cursed the late King Hussein
for only developing the East Bank, hence the emigration (see Bank of
Israel reports for those years for confirmation).
I can’t believe that you would have preferred to see the Arabs wipe us
out during the 1967 war of aggression against us.  That is what they
intended to do so soon after the Holocaust and after Jews from Arab
Lands – our most ancient diaspora – were expelled, following pogroms
and the stealing of all their property.  The majority found a safe have
in Israel. Should they be uprooted again?
I challenge you – Zionist that you claim to be – to stand on one of the heights
of the Shomron from which you can see Israel’s coast, including its main
industrial areas and its only international airport.  Arab terrorists could wipe
the coast out in a matter of minutes using only the Katyushas they are firing
into our Negev every day.  I cannot believe that you want to destroy Israel.
In any case, tell me where a (genocidal) aggressor has been awarded by the
nation defending itself with the territory it lost in its aggression.
Think again, Mr. Lauder.  Yours sincerely, MALKA HILLEL-SHULEWITZ 

Absurd Ad in Trusty Arutz Sheva
by Helen Freedman, New York City

         It is extraordinary that Arutz Sheva would contradict all its positions and its driving mandate for a whole Israel by accepting the preposterous Lauder ad.
        All honest, sane, non-suicidal people recognize the dangerous deceptions behind the call for a two state solution.
        There is absolutely no starting point for talks with the Arabs while they still call for Israel’s destruction. And the idea of giving away Jewish biblically promised land is completely offensive and erroneous. 
        We understand that paid advertisements are necessary for a business to remain viable.
        But we would hope that especially in the case of a trusted entity like Arutz Sheva, there would be a line that could not, and would not be crossed.

Palestinian State: How Exactly Would That Be Good for Anyone But the Terrorists? 
By Deborah Bach, Haifa

So Ron Lauder wants a Palestinian State in Yehuda and Shomron.  How exactly would that be good for anyone other than the terrorists?  The truth is that I think that the Palestinians already DO have a State in Yehuda and Shomron.   What exactly are they missing?  An army?  Why would they need an army?  I can only think of four possible answers. One, to fight Jordan. Two, to push Israel into the sea. Three, to evacuate Palestinians from their homes.  Four, to evacuate Jews from their homes (similar to number two, but let’s suppose this only refers to Jews in Yehuda and Shomron). 
Or are they missing recognition in the U.N.?  What exactly would that get them that they don’t have today?  Nothing significant. The real truth that most Palestinians know and many Arabs in Israel and elsewhere in the world know and most Israelis know is that what the Palestinians need is an excuse, a scapegoat.  I would think that an intelligent man like Mr. Lauder would know that any corrupt, selfish government that wants to maintain power needs that.  Otherwise, they have to do real soul-searching and work really hard to provide a system of government that gives their people hope and progress, because with Israel in their midst the Palestinians know these things are possible and naturally want these things for themselves.  You know what? They deserve hope and progress.  

Fairy tales and the nose in front of his face: When Mr. Lauder is ready to see the nose in front of his face instead of believing in fairy tales, maybe he’ll have something real to contribute to peace.  I don’t believe in fairy tales.



סגנית השר לאה נס השיקה היום במועצת אזורית מטה בנימין רפורמה לאזרחים וותיקים

סגנית השר, ד”ר לאה נס השיקה היום במועצה אזורית מטה בנימין את התוכנית האסטרטגית הגדולה ביותר למען שיפור איכות חייהם של האזרחים הוותיקים


ההשקה של תוכנית הרפורמה לאזרחים הוותיקים, התקיימה היום יום ב’ ה-16.7.12 במועצה האזורית מטה בנימין, במעמד סגנית השר לאזרחים ותיקים, ד”ר לאה נס יו”ר מועצת מטה בנימין אבי רואה, היועץ לאזרחים וותיקים במועצה והצוות המקצועי שיוביל את התוכנית.


רפורמת האזרחים הוותיקים, “חיים בגיל” יוצאת לדרך בימים אלו, והיא עתידה לשנות מהיסוד את תפיסת הרשויות המקומיות על האזרחים הוותיקים במדינה. אם עד היום, זוהו האזרחים הוותיקים כנטל על התקציב, על מערכת הבריאות ועל שירותי הרווחה, הרי שבעקבות הרפורמה, שמוביל המשרד לאזרחים ותיקים בראשות סגנית השר ד”ר לאה נס, תוכר האוכלוסייה הוותיקה כהון אנושי שבכוחו להעניק תרומה משמעותית לחברה הישראלית.

במהלך 2012 תיכנס הרפורמה  לכ- 100 רשויות ברחבי המדינה ועד שנת 2014 כל הרשויות בישראל יהיו חלק מהתוכנית. בשלב ראשון, תבנה העירייה פרופיל יישובי הממפה את מצבם של האזרחים הוותיקים בכל תחומי החיים. בשלב הבא, תגובש תוכנית אסטרטגית על ידי שולחן עגול של מומחים לתחום הזקנה, שעברו הכנה מקיפה על ידי מומחי המשרד לאזרחים ותיקים, בהתאם לפרופיל היישובי. בסוף השנה הראשונה לפרויקט, תוצג התכנית המלאה הכוללת מגוון תוכניות ביצועיות לשינוי ושיפור התשתיות הקהילתיות, החברתיות והעירוניות. התוכנית תיושם באופן מיידי לטווח של 15 שנים.


סגנית השר לאזרחים וותיקים, ד”ר לאה נס: “הודות להתפתחויות הטכנולוגיות והרפואיות תוחלת החיים בישראל עלתה בכמעט תשע שנים במהלך 30 השנים האחרונות. הצפי הוא כי אוכלוסיית האזרחים הוותיקים תכפיל את עצמה עד שנת 2030. מטרתה של הרפורמה שמוביל המשרד בראשותי, היא לתת לרשויות המקומיות את הכלים להיערך לגידול הצפוי, להיטיב את איכות חייהם וחשוב מכל למצות את הפוטנציאל הגלום באוכלוסייה זו, כך שתוכל לנהל חיים פעילים וחיוניים, תוך תרומה משמעותית לקהילה בה הם חיים.

בביקורה זה, התייחסה סגנית השר גם לדו”ח אדמונד לוי, שפורסם בשבוע שעבר והתייחס לחוקיות הבנייה בישובי יהודה ושומרון. לדבריה, “יש לברך על מסקנות דו”ח אדמונד לוי, המציע פתרון לסוגיית הבנייה ביהודה ושומרון. אני מקווה כי מסקנותיו יובאו לדיון רציני בוועדת השרים לענייני התיישבות, ויאומצו כמדיניות הרשמית של ממשלת ישראל”.


אבי רואה, יו”ר מועצה אזורית מטה בנימין: “אוכלוסיית הותיקים במועצה אזורית מטה בנימין הולכת וגדלה עם השנים .המודעות לצרכים וההבנה שצריך להקים תשתית לשנים שיבואו מובילה לעשייה יותר ויותר משמעותית .עלינו להיות מוכנים לכך שחלק נכבד מאוכלוסיית בנימין(אשר כיום ברובה צעירה) תהפוך עם השנים לותיקה”


האוכלוסייה הוותיקה במועצה האזורית מטה בנימין מונה כ-918 אזרחים ותיקים מעל גיל 65, המהווים 1.9% מאוכלוסיית העיר. 701 תושבים מאוכלוסיית העיר זכאים לקצבת זקנה ושארים, ו-156 תושבים זכאים לקצבת זקנה ושארים עם הבטחת הכנסה. כמו כן, זכאים 111 תושבים לסיוע על פי חוק הסיעוד.


מצ”ב תמונות מההשקה היום במטה בנימין. באדיבות יח”צ.
מימין לשמאל אהרון אזולאי, מנכ”ל המשרד לאזרחים וותיקים, ד”ר לאה נס, סגנית השר לאזרחים וותיקים ואבי רואה, יור” מועצה אזורית מטה בנימין


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שופט העליון: הפסיקו לגרש Levy Report bashes settler-bashers


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בלוג עכשיו בפייסבוק


שופט העליון: הפסיקו לגרש  Levy Report bashes settler-bashers


הממשלה קבלה ארכה: רק בעוד 6 ימים תתבקש להודיע לבג"צ, האם היא מסכימה לבטל את גירוש תושבי מגרון – שהרי תושבי מגרון הצליחו לקנות מהקרקעות ה"פרטיות" ביישוב שלהם…אז מדוע לגרש?


בינתיים הוועדה בנושא בנייה ביהודה ושומרון, בראשות שופט העליון לשעבר אדמונד לוי, קראה לממשלה "לא לבצע פעולות בלתי הפיכות כגון פינוי והריסה",7340,L-4252901,00.html.


נא לפנות לשרים! אפשר מכתב אישי יפה, או שאפשר לכתוב כך:


שלום רב! אנא העבירו החלטת ועדת שרים ברוב קולות,  לפיה אין לגרש את תושבי מגרון!

זאת  לאור ההתפתחויות הדרמטיות של רכישת הקרקעות במגרון, ולאור ממצאי הוועדה בראשות שופט העליון לשעבר אדמונד לוי.

בכבוד רב, (שמך מלא)


לחץ על "אל" או "עותק מוסתר" והדבק שם את רשימת כתובות הדוא"ל של השרים:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,         

יחד נגרום לפולטיקאים שאנחנו הצבענו להם, לשמור על ארץ ישראל.

לא נפקיר את אחינו המתנחלים הגיבורים.

תודה רבה על עזרתך- העבר הלאה בבקשה.


לשריין ביומנים: ביום ג הקרוב 17.7 אחה"צ הפגנות בצמתים וליד בית ראש הממשלה, לפרטים – מטה היישובים   052-7050335

ולסיום – כוחו של מכתב: קיראו את מכתב התלונה של פרופ' ארנון סופר בנושא עיתון הארץ ארנון סופר הוא איש שמאל מובהק —  תומך בהתנתקות מגוש קטיף ובהתנתקות נוספת.


Two developments this week: 

    Ffirst, the Levy Committtee clearly stated that the ministers should be legalizing settlements — not bashing them or razing them:,7340,L-4252945,00.html

    Second, the ministers received an extension of time in which to respond to the petition to leave the brave Migron community standing -now that they have BOUGHT land in their community that purportedly belongs to Arabs.

Can you email the relevant ministers, with a personal message? Or, just write one powerful sentence, like:


Here are the ministers' email addresses:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Thank you for caring enough, and being smart enough,  to help Judea and Samaria.

In contrast, here is what editors at the once-revered New York Times are doing and saying:,7340,L-4254135,00.html,7340,L-4254148,00.html

The New York Times shamelessly uses the Iranian nuclear disaster to threaten Israel over the new Levy report, warning heavy-handedly that "if (the report's) conclusions are not firmly rejected there is likely to be new international anger at Israel" which "could divert attention from Iran".

Be proud of yourself that by strengthening Israeli ministers' resolve to help Judea and Samaria which overlook Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem, YOU are being wise —  as opposed to the New York Times editors who are being ever so foolish. And please – pass this on. Or refer us to interested friends and family,  (only rightwingers please, so we do not provoke anybody) and we will contact them by email.

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30 עיתונאים בכירים עלו להר הבית. אחד מהם התבשר שהוא מסורב עליה לצמיתות

עיתונאי גורש מהר הבית
שלושים עיתונאים בכירים, ומשפיעי דעת קהל, עלו אמש בטהרה להר הבית, לרגל שלושת השבועות של “בין המצרים” שמציינים בהם את חורבנות בתי המקדש.
בין עשרות העיתונאים נצפו חגי סגל מערוץ הכנסת, איתמר פליישמן מויינט, נדב שרגאי ויהודה שלזינגר מישראל היום, וגם שלמה בן צבי העורך הראשי והבעלים של העיתון מקור ראשון. ולצידם אוראל שרפ ושמואל שטח, עורכי “דעות”, של נאמני תורה ועבודה.
עוד נצפו אמש בהר הבית השחקן והזמר גולן אזולאי שבא לשם עם אשתו, כלה ביום חופתה שבאה עם קבוצת נשים גדולה למען המקדש. הרבנים יצחק ברנד ויואל אליצור,ומשה פייגלין, מהאישים הבולטים בתנועת הליכוד.
את קבוצת העתונאים הדריך בהר הבית העיתונאי ארנון סגל ממקור-ראשון ועולם-קטן. שדיווח על התרגשות רבה שאפפה את העיתונאים, שחלקם עלו להר בפעם הראשונה בחייהם.
ירעם נתניהו, עיתונאי בשבע והטלויזיה החינוכית ויוזם העליה, התבשר על ידי שוטרי משטרת ההר, שהוא מורחק על ידה מהמקום לצמיתות, ללא דין וללא משפט.
פעילי המקדש מעריכים שפיקוד המשטרה זועם על נתניהו בעקבות הגנתו ביום ירושלים על אחד המתפללים בהר הבית. בכך גדל לארבעה מספרם של מגורשי המשטרה מהר הבית בעקבות העליה החגיגית התפילות וההשתחוויות באותו היום.
המטה המשותף לאירגוני המקדש מברך את העיתונאים הרבים שבאו להכיר מקרוב את המתרחש בהר הבית ולחוות את ההתרחשויות במקום לטוב ולרע.
המטה מגנה את ההתנהלות הבלתי חוקית של המשטרה בהר הבית, שמונעת את כניסתם להר של כעשרים יהודים, ביניהם גם הרבנים ישראל אריאל, יוסף אלבוים, ויהודה גליק, שגורשו על ידי המשטרה מההר ללא דין וללא משפט.
לרשימה נוספת של שמות מפורסמים שהשתתפו אמש בעליית העיתונאים:
לפרטים נוספים:
דובר המטה, יהודה גליק, 0528990399
קרדיט לתמונות (מלבד החתומה): ישראל מידד, מטה אירגוני המקדש.