מטות ערים: הגראד באשקלון מוכיח שאין להקים מדינה פלשתינית ENGLISH BELOW
בתגובה לירי טיל הגראד על אשקלון, תנועת השטח הימנית מטות ערים קראה לממשלת ישראל להוציא תעודת פטירה ל"שתי מדינות ל-2 עמים". "שתי מדינות" פירושה הקמת מדינה פלשתינית חדשה ביהודה ושומרון, מרחק דקות מ-19 ערים לפחות במרכז הארץ, אמרו במטות ערים. הערים שתסבולנה מטילים אם תקום מדינה פלשתינית חדשה ביהודה ושומרון יכללו, לדברי מטות ערים, את ירושלים, תל-אביב, ראשל"צ, אשדוד, פתח-תקווה, באר-שבע, נתניה, חולון, בני-ברק, רמת-גן, בת-ים, אשקלון, רחובות, הרצליחה, כפר-סבא, חדרה, בית-שמש, רעננה ומודיעין.
במטות ערים אמרו כי המערכות להגנה מפני טילים הינן אפקטיביות לכל היותר ברמה של 80% (4 טילים מתוך 5). היות שטיל קסאם חמאסי עולה רק 150 דולר, המסקנה היא שהנחתת טיל מתוך "מדינה פלשתינית" על ערים גדולות ומרכזיות בגוש דן, תל-אביב וירושלים תעלה לחמאס רק 750 דולר, ואילו הנחתת טיל רנדומלי מדי חודש בחודשו באחת מערי גוש דן, תעלה לחמאס רק עשרת אלפים דולר לשנה, אך תגרום לפאניקה ופגיעה כלכלית, במשך כל השנה, בכל גוש דן ובתל-אביב, שיהיו שווים לחמאס לפחות 100 מליון דולר. מסיבה זו, יש להפסיק מייד כל דיבור על פתרון שתי מדינות ל-2 עמים ולחזור לחלופות מדיניות אחרות, כפי שבשעתם הציעו גם רבין המנוח וגם בגין ז"ל, לדברי מטות ערים.
מטות ערים היא תנועת שטח ימנית שקמה בשנת 1992 ערב הסכמי אוסלו ומונה גם היום אלפים רבים של פעילים. העיתונאי מיכאל קרפין בשעתו כינה את מטות ערים "תנועת המחאה הגדולה ביותר והמאורגנת ביותר בתולדות המדינה".
מוסרת סוזי דים דוברת מטות ערים
As Grad rocket hits Ashkelon, Mattot Arim stresses even greater rocket risk from Palestinian state
Responsive to the Grad rocket attack on Ashkelon, Mattot Arim, a hawkish Israeli grassroots organization, called on the GOI to issue a death certificate for the two-state solution which calls for a new Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria to arise just minutes away from 19 out of 20 of Israel's largest cities.
Mattot Arim said that a Palestinian state would be "much, much worse for Israel" than the current situation in Gaza because Judea and Samaria are very close to almost all of Israel's big cities, whereas Gaza is adjacent only to Israel's sparsely populated southern region. The list of big cities close enough to Judea and Samaria to be within home-made rocket range if a Palestinian state is allowed to come into being included Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Rishon Le-Zion, Ashdod, Petah-Tikva, Beer-Sheva, Netanya, Holon, Bnei Brak, Ramat-Gan, Bat-Yam, Ashkelon, Rehovot, Herzlia, Kfar Saba, Hadera, Bet-Shemesh, Raanana and Modiin, Mattot Arim said.
Mattot Arim said that the rocket defense systems are known to be at best 80 percent effective (only 4 out of 5), whereas each Hamas Qassam rocket costs only 150$ to produce. "This means that a rocket coming from a "Palestinian state" and landing in a big Israeli city will cost the Hamas only $750. So a haphazard rocket once a month, which is plenty to disrupt the economy, aviation, and national psyche of the entire Tel-Aviv and Gush Dan area all year round, would cost Hamas less than ten thousand dollars. That is a shocking number," said Susie Dym, spokesperson for Mattot Arim.
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2010 9:54 AM
Subject: Grad rocket from Gaza hits Ashkelon – July 30, 2010

MFA Newsletter
Grad rocket from Gaza hits Ashkelon – Israel submits protests to UN
The launching of a Grad rocket on a large city such as Ashkelon constitutes a blatant and provocative violation of international law.
(Communicated by the Foreign Ministry Spokesperson's Office)
Following the Grad Katyusha rocket attack on the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon this morning (30 July) and the firing of mortars on the western Negev, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has instructed its ambassadors to the UN in New York and Geneva to submit urgent protests to the President of the Security Council and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. Israel is submitting these protests because the launching of a Grad rocket on a large city such as Ashkelon – with the clear goal of murdering men, women and children as they prepared for the Jewish Sabbath – constitutes a blatant and provocative violation of international law as well as demonstrating the murderous and barbaric nature of the perpetrators of the attack. Israel reiterates and reaffirms its unqualified right and obligation to protect its citizens. Israel will respond to the renewed aggression in a manner and time that it believes appropriate.
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(Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)
On Friday morning (July 30), a Grad rocket landed in the city of Ashkelon. No casualties were reported but several persons who were present at the scene were treated for shock. Damage was caused to buildings and vehicles in the area. Security forces are searching the area.
A Kassam rocket fired from northern Gaza Saturday night (31 July) hit the roof of a building in an educational institution in the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council, outside Sderot.
Two Kassam rockets were fired last week and landed close to communities in the south of Israel. One of the rockets exploded west of Ashkelon, and the other in an open area south of the city. No damage or casualties were caused in either event.
General background information: Ashkelon is a city with a population of approximately 125,000 residents. It is approximately 10 kilometers away from the Gaza Strip and has suffered from many cases of rocket fire in which residents were harmed and damage was caused.
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The Office of the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process (UNSCO) condemned the attack on Ashkelon (30 July), in which a rocket struck a residential area. Indiscriminate rocket fire against civilians is completely unacceptable and constitutes a terrorist attack.
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In response to the Grad rocket fired at Ashkelon on Friday (July 30), the Israel Air Force targeted a Hamas-linked terror activity site in the northern Gaza Strip, a weapons-manufacturing warehouse in the central Gaza Strip and a weapons-smuggling tunnel in the southern Gaza Strip.
In response to second incident of rocket fire this weekend (July 31), the Israel Air Force struck a Hamas-linked terror tunnel and a weapons-smuggling tunnel in the southern Gaza Strip.
1 Aug 2010
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