As you can well imagine, I get inundated with requests for ZOA to join
with all types of very important and worthwhile initiatives. Rarely do
I ever encounter one, though, that is as extraordinary and critically
important to the integrity and long term survival of the State of
Israel as Regavim. The work this David is doing against the Goliath of
foreign governments, NGOs and militant Arab elements—all attempting
to undermine the Jewish character of the state by literally stealing
its land—is truly remarkable.
I urge you to make every effort to attend the meeting outlined in the
flyer below. Please RSVP and join us for an eye-opening presentation
that will help you understand how we can put an end to an
existentially dangerous silent surrender.
Tizku l’mitzvot,
Jeff Daube
Israel Office Director
Zionist Organization of America [ZOA]
Israel Tel: 052-538-0840
from the US: 011-972-52-538-0840
jdaube@zoa.org ☐ www.zoa.org
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