The Israel Land Fund participated in placing a Mezuza in a house that was reclaimed in Acco

Last week The Israel Land Fund participated in placing a Mezuza in a house
that was reclaimed in Acco

The Buyer: New Oleh (immigrant) to Israel from Ireland.
The Sellers: Arab couple.
Location: Acco, 300 meter from the sea line.
Building status: 4 Arab families + 2 Jewish families.
Apartment price: 55,000$
Size: 55 Sq. Meter

Arieh King, CEO of ILF, said to the public this week: "Thank you for
supporting the ILF and helping us in making changes in : Acco,
East Jerusalem. Yaffo, Galil & Judea & Samaria."

In the pictures: the Oleh, Glen, his family, & Chief Rabbi of Acco &
friends. Glen made Aliya at 22/12/2010 and purchased 2 apartments in the
same area:
one to live in and a second for investment, both with the assistance of the
Israel Land Fund who organized the contract and the
apartment before Glen arrived.

ILF Contact information: 972-54-3331058 972-2-6223195

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